Akashic Records Readings

offered by Jaimie Davis

I'm so glad you're here.

Perhaps you heard about the Akashic Records in a podcast or maybe you've been working with them for years. You may simply be curious about a first-time reading or are ready to commit to a long-term deep dive into the wisdom offered. You may or may not identify somewhere along the spectrum of spirituality. Whatever your path was to get here, there is something to be shared with you and I am honored to offer this connection to your Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records can be a beautiful partner to help you remember and attune to your Highest Self, to release energetic blocks, and experience a more fulfilling life.

If you're in the beginning stages of your journey with the Akashic Records, the following questions are a good place to start:

What are the Akashic Records?

All things in existence are made of energetic vibrations and produce an "energetic signature", including humans. 

As I've been shown and others have explained, the Akashic Records are an energetic space, similar to a multi-layered grid, where our energetic signature is recorded. It contains all of our soul's history, including thoughts, actions, and feelings in all of our lifetimes. It is a place of love, compassion, and non-judgment. 

The Records provide information, often through the use of metaphors, that is for our highest good in the present moment. They give us information that we are ready to hear and that is meant to help us move toward our most authentic soul expression and a more harmonic resonance with the flow of life. After experiencing hundreds of readings, it is clear the Akashic Records want to help us live a more joyful, peaceful existence and not feel so overwhelmed when hardships occur.

Other readers have referred to the guides we work with in the Akashic Records as Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, and Lords. Different guides come through to support us and answer questions, depending on what we're needing and asking in the moment.

While the Akashic Records can be a place to help answer some of our curiosities about life, they can also be a space that offers ways to experience tangible, transformational change. In my experience, regardless of what instigates it, this type of change starts with non-judgemental self-reflection and finding tools that help us develop a deeper knowledge of who we are, what we desire, and an increased capacity to love, appreciate, and accept all aspects of ourselves. The Akashic Records are the perfect space for this reflection and they offer us simple, gentle ways we can take ownership of and responsibility for our lives as well as open up more choices in the way we experience and interact with the world around us.

Regardless of whether you consider yourself spiritual or not, the Akashic Records are there for all of us to experience and to utilize their deep wisdom to potentially help empower ourselves, release judgment, feel supported, and expand our options for what is possible in this lifetime.

What can you expect during a reading?

Receiving an Akashic Record reading in real time is like having a conversation with your Highest Self, with the reader working as a conduit for the information to come through. The best way to approach a reading is from a place of curiosity, openness, and a bit of excitement!

Many people are surprised by the information they receive, so being open to whatever may come through can help avoid disappointment from having a certain outcome, expectation, or specific answer in mind. Sometimes readings confirm what we’ve been thinking and feeling to help us trust our intuitions so we can be more confident to take action or make decisions for ourselves.

I recommend that you have a few questions or subjects that you would like to focus on and prioritize which question(s) you want to ask first. I will help with wording of the questions before we begin so we can get the most complete answer possible. While it is good to know very basic information about what you will be asking, I prefer not to know too many details at the beginning of a reading.

To access your Akashic Records, I will read an invocation/prayer, which sets the intention for the reading and helps me "tune in" to their frequency. During the reading, I will often have my eyes closed while receiving information because it helps me concentrate on what is being transmitted. I will pause at various intervals so that you may ask questions or get clarification on anything that has come through.

Although the Records do not tell us anything that we're not ready to hear, they may tell us something we don't want to hear, are not expecting, or may find emotionally challenging to experience in the moment. I will do my best to support you in these moments and give you time to work through any emotions that may come up.

I also offer somatic practices to help integrate information that comes through, if desired. These practices may be offered in the form of movements, vocalizations, guided imagery, and writing, among others. They can be especially useful when strong emotions come up during a reading and are always an invitation, not a requirement. Also, I find that I don't always remember the suggestions offered in a reading, so doing them during a session can help shift energy in the moment. You can choose to go back and repeat them later on your own or when listening to the recording.

Providing readings is a privilege that I hold in utmost reverence and I will treat our time together like the sacred exchange that it is.

What questions can they help answer?

What we need to know or learn right now for our highest good.

Lessons or healing that we want to experience in this lifetime.

What our soul's purpose is for this lifetime and where we are in our soul plan.

Any blocks or limitations that may be keeping us from experiencing and expressing our Highest Self.

How to develop or express our gifts.

What a particular relationship may be able to teach us or what soul contracts we have with others.

They can also sometimes help with difficulties or questions we have regarding our pets, business or career path, finances or abundance, and general wellbeing.

A list of sample questions can be found HERE.

What answers are not provided?

The Records do not make decisions for us. They don't tell us what is the "right" or "wrong" path or action to take or what we "should" do. They will, however, often give us the energetic information around two options so we can decide which one feels better for us in the moment.

They generally do not provide "yes" or "no" answers.

It is not a psychic reading and does not predict the future or tell us exactly when something is going to happen. According to the Records, things will move forward in our lives when we have experienced some kind of learning, personal growth, or healing related to our soul plan.

We cannot directly access another person's Records without their permission. Within your own Records, we can only access another person's energetic information if it is relevant to you and in your highest good to know that information.

The Records do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. They may, however, let someone know if an energetic block or interruption may be affecting their health in some way if it is in their highest good to know this and how to help move energy in that area.

How do you know if the Akashic Records are the right choice for you?

Ultimately, you are the only one who can definitively answer that question. Practitioners that are operating through integrity are unlikely to tell you that you need the Akashic Records or that they're the only tool that can help you     fill in the blank   

I'm not here to sell you on the idea of the Akashic Records because my belief in the wisdom of the Akashic Records has come from my own direct experiences and the shared experiences of others. I want to offer you enough information to make an informed decision for yourself whether or not you want that opportunity for yourself.

If learning a bit about the Akashic Records has left you intrigued and/or excited by the possibilities a reading can offer, give it a try! If not, it may be best to look for something else that does. Our path of growth and how we choose to learn about ourselves is unique; I encourage you to find the tools that interest you and best support your personal development.

Can you open and work in your own Akashic Records?

Yes, absolutely. As I understand it, this energetic space has been opened right now for anyone who wants to work with it, as long as they're working in integrity.

If that's the case, then why would I need to get a reading from someone else?

From mine and many others' experience, it can be difficult getting clear answers from your own Records, especially if you're expecting or hoping for a certain outcome, because of your own personal biases, and/or not fully trusting the information you receive. We all get thought voices and images in our head, right? So how do we know if this is coming from our own mind or from guides in the Akashic Records? (The best answer I've found is by doing many practice readings for other people as well as working in small groups and "comparing notes" with other readers.)

For some, it may take a while to attune your body, vibrationally, to the Akashic Records and feel a strong connection or get a good flow of information to come through. If you're wanting guidance quickly, a reading from a skilled reader may be your best option.

Also, when working with a highly-practiced reader, it is less likely that they're seeking an outcome for you and are able to trust the information that is coming through and present it in a cohesive way.